Social Media Policy
Thanks for visiting our social media page(s). By visiting this website or any social media page affiliated with Dr. Angelica Pinna-Perez, the Cervitude Circle endeavors including Counseling, Consulting, Coalition, Creativity, Cluster including any community members using our platforms
you acknowledge, understand, and agree with the following social media policy and disclaimer:
Our social media content is meant for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional mental health, medical, legal, or other advice.
This content is not intended or designed by any means to be a replacement for therapy, diagnosis, treatment, advice, or psychological care. These accounts are intended to share interesting, educational, and/or informative content and resources related to mental health. Reliance on information provided on our social media platforms and linked pages is solely at your own risk.
Angelica Pinna-Perez, all Cervitude endeavors or affiliates at Cervitude Counseling LLC and Cervitude Coalition Inc, assumes no responsibility or risk for your use of our social media content. Angelica Pinna-Perez is not liable for any advice or information provided on these sites, all of which is provided on an “as-is” basis, and assumes no liability for diagnosis, treatment, decisions, or actions made in reliance upon information contained on this page or other sites linked to any of our social media platforms. All ideas, content, comments, likes, and social media engagement for is the sole reflection of Angelica Pinna-Perez or the social media manager for any Cervitude content at the time of the corresponding engagement.
Legally and ethically, we are unable to provide diagnostic/therapeutic services via e-mail, direct messages, likes, comments, or live appearances on social media websites. Any communication on these platforms (e-mail, “book now,” “contact,” direct messages, “live” interactions, comments, likes, follows, or reactions) does not constitute a therapeutic relationship and is not implied to be professional mental health, medical, legal, or other advice. These platforms are intended to provide education about mental health, psychology, and general therapy information. All communication is intended to be generalized educational information. These are not secure and encrypted platforms, so please do not share sensitive information. Please consult your doctor or mental health provider regarding support on your health and well-being.
If you are in a crisis, please call 911 or visit your nearest emergency department. If you’re not in immediate danger, but would like someone to speak with, you can reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
Please follow this link for some alternatives to calling the police: