Within the cervCircle constellation is our smallest endeavor, cervCreativity, an arts based research initiative that believes creativity is community care, committing their labor "in kind" towards building a new shared world.

Our Arts-Based Research in Critical Creativity, Radical Imagination, and Regenerative Practices for healing centered engaged living is shared through Patreon. 100% of the funds collected go directly to the Cervitude Coalition. All crowdfunding through Patreon is tax deductible.

Our Liberatory Creativity project is a community initiative by our Creative Compass group in partnership with our Fellowship program that create and facilitate arts and wellness workshops in the healing arts.
Dear Radical
Creativity is regenerative. All creativity is relational and co-created. And staying curious and critical in y/our creative body is radical.
Trauma aware, healing centered creative engagement is ‘relationship’ with self, with others, with materials, with land, with the universe during y/our creative process. It reminds us we have a response/ability to protect these relationships as creatives.
Come unlearn extractive and exploitative supremacy culture and how the abuse from the arts industrial complex has impacted y/our creativity.

Critical Creativity
Radical Imagination
Who We Are
We are a group of creatives, arts based therapists, scholars and cultural workers interested in co-creating disruptive inquiry in the nexus of two epistemologically violent professions for our communities, psychology and “fine” arts. We labor to decolonize the collective imagination and center the needs of y/our creative bodies.
We broadly define arts based inquiry as creative communion affirming intersectionality in order to cherish and celebrate y/our humanity.
The affinity co-created through these creative relationships with/in y/ourselves are universal acts utilized throughout history and across cultures to co-create shared spaces and make meaning of shared lives.
What we do
As a collective, we co-create regenerative space.
Practiced as anti-oppressive critical creativity through radical imaginings, our theories and praxis emerge from arts based inquiry.
Thriving together in the intricacies these deep relationships deserve, we are decolonizing our creative bodies while co-creating collective liberatory space, together.
Participant Testimonials

“You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
- Maya Angelou
a radical arts based endeavor for collective liberation